In England we eat Pancakes and have Pancake Races, in which people must toss and flip their pancakes into the air before crossing the finish line. Mmmmm Delicious!!!!!!!
Si no tenéis pensada la cena para hoy os animamos a que preparéis esta receta. Es muy fácil y a los niños les encanta. Podéis ponerles lo que queráis, aunque os recomendamos la más tradicional. Limón y azúcar. Está deliciosa!!
Os dejamos el enlace a una web donde lo explican de una forma muy fácil.
How is it celebrated around the world?
In Brazil, as well as Portuguese, Spanish and Italian-speaking countries, it is celebrated as Carnival.
Did you know that Carnivel means to take away meat.
Answers to last weeks questions:
Respuestas a las preguntas la semana pasada.
The people from Italy are Italian.
T is for Train T T Train
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